Tuesday 14 May 2013

$4,200 for a 30-ounce Bottle of Chanel No.5

$4,200 for a 30-ounce Bottle of Chanel No.5

Among women the most iconic fragrance Chanel No. 5 in the world is now available in giant bottle, so big you can swim for two years. For the price of $ 4200, you get 30 oz of your favorite perfume, which means it is nearly two pounds of fragrance. This brand new product is called Extract Grand Edition while the price of $ 2,100, you will receive a bottle Grande Extract 7.5 oz.

The bottle of Grand extract itself the "exceptional quality," said the spokesman Chanel Ruthie Vexler. It is located in what Chanel described as a "hand-assembled case in hand."

Although Chanel did not disclose the exact amount of bottles Great details extracted Vexler "very few parts are produced" each year.
30-ounce Bottle of Chanel No.5

About popularity of Chanel No. 5 among the celebrities who only mention spokesman current Nicole Kidman and Brad Pitt. Of course, it is inevitable Marilyn Monroe: When asked what she wore to bed, famous reply: "Why, Chanel No. 5, of course."

Ringing up for $4,200, the new bottle of perfume is certainly an investment

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