Thursday 4 April 2013

Soneva Kiri – Koh Kood, Thailand

Soneva Kiri is the most luxurious refuge island Koh Kood Thailand virgin. The resort's natural beauty is unsurpassed and the opportunity to stay in one of its 27 villas nestled among the hills, surrounded by palm trees around a secluded bay is simply exciting.

Perched high in the trees in Soneva Kiri Resort in Thailand, guests have the opportunity to dine in their nest clean. Adventurous diners fix a leather belt and hoisted 16 feet in the native trees, where there are spectacular aerial views of the surrounding beaches.

"Servers flying" by adopting a much more acrobatic, as the zipper to the platform below.

The food in the restaurant is mainly organic gardens of the town or around the island. The hotel strives to keep the whole green plant, no screws or accessories used in massang trees.

The resort's natural beauty is unsurpassed and the opportunity to stay in one of its 27 villas nestled among the hills, surrounded by palm trees around a secluded bay is simply exciting.